Determinación de vainillina, sinapic, coniferyl y aldehído siringico en brandy y aguardiente
The presence or absence of aromatic aldehydes (van illin, sinapic, coniferyl and syringic aldehydes) in a sample and also their weight content and proportion allows determination of authenticity and quality of brandies and brandy spirits, and revealing a counterfeit.
Together with aromatic al dehydes, it is possible to determine phenolcarbolic acids, such as sinapic, syri ngic, ferulic, salicylic, cumaric, vanillic, ellagic, p-hydroxybenzoic, caffeic, gallic, protocatechuic. Identif ication and weight content of these acids is an additional criterion of the spirit authenticity.
Capillary electrophoresis method allows simultaneous determination of all compounds by the method of capillary zone electrophoresis in a borate buffer with direct detection at the 373 nm wavelength.